HAZLETON – Donors have incentive, beyond helping to save lives, to give blood at an American Red Cross blood drive sponsored by Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. and scheduled for Lackawanna College, 2 E. Broad St., on Friday, May 31.
Signing up to donate at the Hazleton drive, scheduled for noon to 4:30 p.m., is easy. Register by visiting www.redcrossblood.org and typing in the zip code (18201 for Hazleton) or sponsor code (LCKWHAZ); by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS; or through the Red Cross phone app.

Barry Isett & Associates, an engineering firm with an office in the city, is offering donors a chance for a $50 gift certificate at Top of the 80s restaurant in Sugarloaf Twp. Those who sign up in advance to donate blood at the Hazleton drive can email their name and proof of registration to mkatchur@barryisett.com to be entered in the drawing.