Department Head, Civil Land Development
Professional Engineer (PE)
Company Shareholder
Adam Smith, PE, joined the Civil Land Development Department at Barry Isett & Associates in 2004 and was named Department Head in 2022. His responsibilities include the development of site layout and record plans; grading, utility and erosion and sediment pollution control plans; the design of stormwater management systems; and obtaining NPDES permits and other agency approvals. When project needs require, he visits project sites to confirm that construction is being conducted in general accordance to the plans. Mr. Smith also develops construction estimates and interacts with clients and governmental agencies. He has worked on a variety of projects for public and private sector clients such as school districts, residential developers, and commercial enterprises.
Mr. Smith serves on the ESOP and 401k committees and has served on the company’s Board of Directors in the past.
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Delaware
M.B.A., DeSales University
(484) 866-4869